This Smash hit Sega game which most people havent even heard of will most likey be the game that will have most of the world dreaming of the age of when Dragons Ruled the skies. Panzer Dragoon was a game that was First introduced to the Sega saturn... ya know the system that for some reason just couldnt compete with Playstation (grrrrr) :P. Anyway, what im sure most people have already heard already, the new PD is actually the 4th game in the series. I have actually had the liberty of playing the first 2 PD games. The 3rd game for some reason never got big in the US.
Why? i'm not really sure but i do know that only about 10,000 copies were shipped to the US and everyone sold. I have still seen PD the 3rd one on and it can go upwards to $100. The 3rd PD was only semi-similar to the previous 2 PD. Although, the 3rd was and RPG...yeh i know weird right. I assure you though, all u trigger happy fools out there will not be dissapointed with the NEW and GREATLY improved Panzer Dragoon. Oh yeh By the way just in case i was reading in Xbox mag that in case some of you get done beating this game and you still thirst for more, there is a section called Pandoras Box in PD where you can play the VERY 1st Panzer Game. He he he hows that for value huh. 2 for the price of one.--Psychosayin